1. It takes a village to grow your business. Yes, that's right. If you think that you will be able to get to where you want to go without other people's help and support, you're wrong. Ask anyone who has achieved big time success, and they will have a mile long list of all of the people who have helped them get there. Business isn't a solo sport, and the sooner you realize that having a team is essential, the sooner you'll get to where you want to go. In other words, the longer you choose not to have ongoing and consistent support guidance, and accountability, the more you're delaying your success and leaving it to chance.
The next steps for you to take:
Create a team of interns starting day #1 of your business regardless of your budget.
Find a business coach who you connect with and who can help you achieve your goals.
Pair up with an accountability partner who you check in with daily or weekly.
Figure out what you can delegate and outsource in your business.
Barter services in the beginning if necessary in order to get the support you need.
2. Success doesn't happen overnight, so don't expect it to. Oh the overnight success story. We all want one. Rags on Monday and riches by Tuesday. It doesn't happen. Overnight successes are illusions - they're years of hard work that are packaged into a pretty story that presents itself as an overnight success. Rome wasn't built in a day, and your business is no different. That said, know that success WILL happen. Rome, after all, was built and stands tall to this day.
Next steps for you to take:
Manage your expectations - set goals that stretch you, but that are still realistic.
Focus on your accomplishments; if you're always thinking about what still needs to be done, you'll never be happy or feel successful.
Do whatever you can to skyrocket the rate of your success (i.e. refer to #1 above).
Learn from those who have already succeeded.
Surround yourself with high achieving peers who will keep you motivated and focused.
3. You will feel scared shitless sometimes. I'm not going to sugar coat this for you. You're not reading this right now for me to tell you a made-up business fairytale; you're reading this because you want the truth. Having your own business is going to feel super scary and overwhelming at times. Sometimes, especially at the beginning, you might even fee like this is the case all of the time. That's okay. Fear might slow you down, but it won't kill you. And everyone who has achieved big success has felt the same way. You're in good company.
Next steps for you to take:
Action is the cure to fear. Stop thinking about doing something and just do it.
Become friends with fear. Expect it to show up and make peace with it.
Ask yourself, "what am I REALLY scared of?" What you're scared of on the surface is probably not what you're really scared of deep down.
Take the best care of yourself possible. The better you take care of you, the better you'll be able to take care of your business.
Reach out for support - you're not in this alone (refer to #1 again).
PS. Let's set up a 30 minute complimentary Business Strategy Session for you and me to talk about what's going on for you right now, where you want to go, and how you can get there. I believe that you and I have connected for a reason, and that you're reading this today because you want to get to the next level. I only have a limited number of spots available, so be sure to sign up asap. So excited to speak with you soon!
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