Monday, November 19, 2012

Why I do this (it's not for the money)

Having your own business is a funny thing. One of the potential perks is that there is no limit of how much money you can make. You want a raise? You give yourself one. You want to create a new program? Done and done. When you're a business owner, you call the shots and that includes naming your desired salary. 

What I'm realizing is this: the only way you'll make money is if you're not in your business for the money. And I'll take this even one step further - if you want to make big time money, you have be driven entirely by love. It can't be for the potential fame, expert status, vacations, nice cars, and big house.  

Your success in your business is completely contingent on how much you're not in it for you. The Universe doesn't honor ego-driven intentions. 

We all talk about the big WHY. Why you really want to be a business owner - on a deep core level. So people start to think about what motivates them - sometimes it's that they want to have a baby or buy a house or just pay bills every month. Sometimes, it's because you want to go on more vacations or get a massage every month. And that's all well and good. 

But the big WHY has nothing to do with you. It can't. You can't be in this business for you. The freedom around finances, choices, time - those are all wonderful by products, but you must be in your business because you believe with every fiber of your being that you have the ability to make people's lives better. 

Not because you're better than other people or cooler or more special, but becauseyou were given a gift and it is your responsibility to share it with the world. When you were born, the Universe blessed you with a gift; life is all about first discovering what that gift is and then, once you do, making sure that you share it with as many people as possible. 

So then, in theory, you could say, "Well, Jordana, why not give away my gift for free? Why do I charge people for my services? Isn't that unfair to put a price on a gift?"

Here's the crazy part of it all. Making people pay for your services is really a favor for them. Whenever you make a big financial investment in something - whatever it may be - you become more emotionally invested in it. You take better care of it and show it more attention. When clients pay for your services, it drives them to step up to the plate in a way that they never would if they weren't paying at all - so much so that if you don't charge them, you're really doing them a disservice since they won't learn and grow as much. 

So late last night, sometime between 1 and 2 in the morning, I wrote down why I do what I do, why I am so invested in helping you. And then I made a vision board too. And I want to share both of them with you. This, my dear friend, is what I wish for you in your life, and what I am *committed* to helping you feel when we work together. 

And here's the vision board

I want you to really get that my purpose is all about helping you. My calling is to make sure that your goals become a reality. With all of this in mind, let's set up a 30 minute complimentary Business Strategy Session for you and me to talk about what's going on for you right now, where you want to go, and how you can get there. I believe that you and I have connected for a reason, and that you're reading this today because you want to get to the next level. I only have a limited number of spots available, so be sure to sign up asap. So excited to speak with you soon!

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