Monday, December 17, 2012

Who makes your decisions - you or your bank account?

First off, I want to thank all of you who joined me on the call last week, "The 5 secrets of how to organize and automate your business for 2013." It was so wonderful to have so many of you listen in and join me on the call. And thank you so much for all of the positive feedback! I'm so glad that you got so much from the content I shared. 

For all of you who would like to listen to the recording (again or for the first time), you can do that in two ways:

1. Listen here.
2. Call 610-214-0100, Access Code: 135960#, Reference #: 10#

Now onto this week's article...

This week, I'm going to talk about something that all of us want and few of us ever feel like we have enough of. 
How do you feel when you see that word? Happy? Anxious? Stressed? Grateful? 
Money - while really just a piece of paper or a coin - has come to take over our lives. How often do you justify not doing something - or deny yourself of something - because of money? How often do you feel like "if only" you had a little more money, then you could finally live your ideal life? 
Over the past several months, I have spoken to many women business owners who are sick and tired of being where they areand know that - deep down - the next step for them is to work with a business coach. Someone who has been where they are now and is currently at a place where they want to go. These women know that they've taken themselves as far as they can go, and that now, it's time to call in for backup. 
The minute we get on the phone, I can already sense their relief.It's like they've been carrying this really heavy backpack and finally, they can plop it down and catch their breath. They know that they need the support - in fact, many of these women are at a point where they're totally exasperated and ready to throw in the towel if things don't change soon. 

So we talk for a little, they tell me about their current situation, their big dream goals, and the obstacles that are getting in the way. I share some bits of my story and they realize that we're much more similar than they thought. They begin to really get that they too can be successful and that their business isn't supposed to be an endless struggle. I can hear the excitement in their voice and their eagerness to start experiencing the ease and pleasure of being a successful entrepreneur. 
They're jazzed and ready to take the next steps. I explain the programs I offer and they're all about it. But then something happens.
Five letters that when put together take on a life of their own.
Way too many amazing women have chosen to deny themselves of moving forward and sharing their big gifts with the world because they're scared. At first glance, the fear is all about the money. It kinda sounds like this:
I can't afford it.
I don't have the money. 
I don't know how I'm going to make this happen.
And then it transitions to the land of "ifs" - - -
If the Universe wants me to do this, the money will show up.
If I had more money in the bank, I would move forward.
If my business was more successful, I would definitely say yes.
Ultimately, however, what comes to the surface is that it's not about the money. It's always about what the money represents. Security, safety, freedom, choice. And unfortunately, many of us see these things as finite - that there is only so much money to go around - there are only so many clients out there - there are only so many opportunities to make more money. And this has nothing to do with money in and of itself. It has to do with three things: 
1. A lack of faith in ourselves
2. A lack of faith in others
3. A lack of faith in the Universe
If you knew that making an investment would bring you whatever it is you want, would you make the investment? If you knew that joining a gym would definitely give you the body you always dreamed of, would you join? If you knew that a matchmaker couldguarantee that working with you could bring you your ideal mate, would you work with him/her? If you knew for certain that you would get what you want from working with the matchmaker or joining the gym, suddenly spending the money doesn't feel as scary. In fact, it may even begin to feel *exciting* since it will bring you to where you want to go.
Now the thing is, most of us only see guarantees in the form of the physical. Most of us aren't conditioned to see guarantees in the form of faith. We live in a world of "we'll believe it when we see it" and not "we'll see it when we believe it." And I get it. Totally and completely. The sane and rational-minded person would not leap without seeing a net beneath her. Millionaires, however, don't play it safe. They succeed because they live outside of their comfort zone. 
How many times have you done something that scared you at first, but everything ended up working out better than you could imagine in the end? How many times has the net appeared for you only AFTER you took the leap?
Courage isn't the absence of fear - it's doing things WHILE feeling scared. If you plan on growing your business only when you feel calm and safe and comfortable, you're not going to get very far. My first business coach used to say that entrepreneurship is a full contact sport. It will also be the best transformational workout you will ever experience in your life. 
There are two more weeks of 2012. How do you want things to be different for you and your business in 2013? Are you ready for things to be better, more exciting, and more abundant? Are you ready to take the action necessary to get yourself there?
It's going to feel scary. You're probably going to feel uncertain. Maybe even a little shaky. You might want to throw up. 
But, the Universe only steps up once we do. First the leap, then the net. First believe, and then see. 
To your success!
Founder, Embarkability

PS. I'm here to to help however I can, and would love to chat with you to learn more about you and your business goals. You can sign up for a free Business Strategy Session here

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