Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The 3 biggest mistakes I've made in my business

I'm going to say something a bit unconventional.

I like making mistakes.

Sure, it doesn't feel great at the time, but when you make a mistake significant enough, the lesson you extract from it becomes all the more powerful, and the likelihood of you making it again becomes slim to none. 

I've made plenty of mistakes over the past 6 years as an entrepreneur, but these 3 have definitely been the most significant.

1. Thinking that I know better. Over the past 6 years, there have been times that I've worked with a business coach and there have been times that I haven't (I work with one now, thank goodness). I can tell you that the times I'm left to my own devices, I succeed at a much slower pace and I experience a lot more struggle. Also, during the times that I have worked with a coach, sometimes I think that I know better. The thing is, I don't. My coaches are farther along in the process of business building and they've been where I seek to go. 

Lesson: There's no need to reinvent the wheel. Listen to them, follow their guidance, and you'll be golden. 

2. Not looking at my numbers. One thing that I struggled with for what felt like a very long time was being mindful of how much money was coming in and how much money was going out. I avoided my bank statements, played dumb, and hoped everything would turn out for the best. 

Lesson: If you want more money to come in, you have to know what's going on in your bank account today. Keep a budget and know exactly what's happening in your financial world. 

3. Isolating myself. As much as I may consider myself an outgoing person, I'm a homebody too. And sometimes, it's really easy to hide behind your computer. Don't do it! Whatever you do, make it a point to go to a networking event once a week. Meet new people, share what you do, and connect.

Lesson: Get out there. No matter what. 

There's no need for you to make unnecessary mistakes. If you want a shortcut, then let's set up a 30 minute complimentary Business Strategy Session for you and me to talk about what's going on for you right now, where you want to go, and how you can get there. I believe that you and I have connected for a reason, and thatyou're reading this today because you want to get to the next level. I only have a limited number of spots available, so be sure to sign up asap. So excited to speak with you soon!

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